Culture Kit
The world of work is a work in progress—from bringing people back to the office to keeping remote teams engaged; from integrating new AI tools to restoring trust after layoffs to fostering feelings of belonging among all employees. Managers have a lot on their plates.
In this new podcast, Jenny Chatman and Sameer Srivastava—two Berkeley Haas professors who have dedicated their careers to studying and advancing workplace culture—will answer questions about the most vexing problems your organization is struggling with today. They’ll share insights based on evidence from the latest research, and offer concrete steps you can take to fix your company’s culture.

Jennifer Chatman
Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management
Jennifer Chatman is the Paul J. Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management and a faculty member in the Management of Organizations (MORS) Group at the Haas School of Business. From October-December 2023, she is serving as the school’s Acting Dean. In her research, teaching, and consulting work, she focuses on how organizations can leverage culture for strategic success and how diverse teams can optimize performance. Her award-winning research has shown, for example, how emphasizing innovation in the context of a strong culture increases firms’ financial success, how narcissistic leaders create organizational cultures lower in collaboration and integrity, and how norms to cooperate can cause members to blur differences among them, even if those differences are useful for group performance—suggesting that collaboration should be calibrated in diverse teams. Chatman is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Haas School of Business, the Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for Workplace Culture and Innovation, Editor-in-Chief for the journal Research in Organizational Behavior. She also runs the Leading Strategy Execution Through Culture executive education program. She has served in many other leadership roles at Haas and UC Berkeley over the years. Chatman earned her PhD at Berkeley Haas, and her BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley.

Sameer Srivastava
Ewald T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy
Sameer B. Srivastava is the Ewald T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. He is also affiliated with UC Berkeley Sociology. His research uses computational methods to: (1) unpack the complex interrelationships between group culture, individual cognition, and interpersonal networks; and (2) examine how they jointly relate to individual attainment and organizational performance. His work has been published in such journals as American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, and Organization Science. It has been covered in such media outlets as The New York Times, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Forbes. He currently serves as Organizations Department Editor at Management Science and was previously a Senior Editor at Organization Science. Srivastava co-directs the Berkeley Center for Workplace Culture and Innovation and the Berkeley-Stanford Computational Culture Lab. At Haas, he teaches a popular MBA elective course, Power and Politics in Organizations. Srivastava has also served as a partner at a global management consultancy (Monitor Group; now Monitor Deloitte). He holds AB, AM, MBA, and PhD degrees from Harvard University.